Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kathleen Baskin-Ball

The past 24 hours have been very sad. Yesterday morning our pastor, Kathleen Baskin-Ball, passed away after a 2 year battle with cancer. While I know she's in a much better place, she will be greatly missed. She was a mentor to everyone who walked into her life. She taught us all about God not just by her sermons but by how she lived her life. When she learned 2 years ago that she had cancer she made a decision not to hide anything from the church. We knew about upcoming test and what the results were. She taught us not to be afraid of death but enjoy and embrace life. Though we knew she had cancer it still was a shock when we were told that it spread to her brain and she was enter hospice care less then 2 weeks ago. I think most of us thought she had a few months so you can image when it ended up being less then 2 weeks. I'm thankful for the time I did know her as she made me a better person. Glory Be!

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